Saturday, January 24, 2009

malawi cichlid

malawi cichlid
Healthy Cichlids Breed
Beautiful Tank Environment

"Who Else Wants Healthy,
Brightly Colored Cichlids,
That Will Breed &
Get Along With Tank Mates
"You Can Now Keep Cichlid Fish The
Easy Way Using This Exact Plan To
Having Healthy, Beautiful, Problem Free
Cichlid Fish For Life "

From: Mike Logan
Date: Sunday, January 25, 2009

Dear Fellow Cichlid Enthusiast,

If you keep cichlid fish or having been wanting to start your own cichlid tank, then this is going to be the most important web site you'll visit all year.

Why, you ask?

There is an amazing, brand new ebook called "Cichlid Fish Secrets". It covers everything you could possibly need to know about keeping healthy, happy cichlids, and breeding them as well.

Just imagine having the most colorful, healthy cichlids in your tank. Your family and friends will be amazed. People will think your a cichlid expert, when they see pictures of your fish and tank.

Wouldn't it be great to finally take the hassle out of keeping cichlids? Saving you so much time, knowing exactly what to do to make sure your cichlids are healthy.

Wouldn't it be great to not have cichlids that are overly aggressive, and didn't constantly hurt, and chase the other fish in your tank?

Many people who keep fish think cichlids are hard to handle, but I'll let you in on a secret.

Cichlids are easy to keep, but only if you know how to keep them healthy, and stress free.

See, 90% of problems with cichlids start with stress, tank mates, pH levels, and feeding them the wrong food.

All you have to know is how to correct those problems and make them healthy because:

Healthy Cichlids Have Bright Colors
And A Strong Immune System
That Fights Off Disease

Many people have different opinions on keeping cichlid fish, so before I continue let me tell you why you should take my advice:

africancichlids I have been keeping & breeding cichlids for over 15 years.

malawicichlids I've read many cichlid books, both old and new, and have discovered what works.

cichlids I am an active member in the top cichlids forums on the internet.

cichlid I use the exact same methods I describe to keep my own cichlids healthy.

africancichlids I get rid of all the fluff, and give it to you straight and simple

Malawi cichlid secrets

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Chinese Food IS the Solution: Healthy & Balanced Food for You!

Y Ancient Chinese philosophy has a very important influence in Chinese food culture. Let's first look at a very interesting picture:

Yin and Yang

This is the traditional symbol for the forces of yin and yang, sometimes described as two fish swimming head to tail. The left half is yin and the right half is yang. Taken literally, yin and yang mean the dark side and sunny side of a hill.

People commonly think of yin and yang as opposing forces. However, it is really more appropriate to view them as complementary pairs. The Chinese believe problems arise not when the two forces are battling, but when there is an imbalance between them. Floods, divorce, or even a fire in the kitchen - all can be attributed to disharmony in the forces of yin and yang.

How does the concept of yin and yang relate to food?

A basic adherence to this philosophy can be found in ANY Chinese dish, from stir-fried beef with broccoli to sweet and sour pork. There is always a balance in color, flavors, and textures.

However, belief in the importance of following the principles of yin and yang in the diet extends further.

Certain foods have yin properties, while others have yang properties - Cooling or warm, fat or non-fat, high-calorie or low- calorie, and etc.

Almost no foodstuff is purely yin or yang - it's more that one characteristic tends to dominate. It also reinforces that it is not so much the individual ingredients, as the the balance and contrast between ingredients in each dish, that is important. Interestingly, cooking methods also have more of a yin or yang property, as the list below demonstrates.

500+ Healthy Chinese Recipes Cookbook. Learn How To Cook Low Fat & Low Carb Chinese Food From Master Chef W/ 40 Years Of Cooking Experience!

Dear Nicholas Zhou,

I am enjoying your recipes and I thank you for such a great cook book.

I would love to have you talk about Healthy Chinese Recipes on WSBS radio. I produce Ms Ruby's Food Talk on Thursday mornings at 9:30am eastern time with Ruth Adams Bronz who is a cookbook author and restaurant owner. What would you say to a 30 minute interview some Thursday morning.

Please let me know and keep the recipes coming. The ginger beef recipe was delicious.

Nick Diller - Morning host and Producer of
Ms Ruby's Food Talk on 860AM WSBS

Click here for more information

meal plans 101

Who We Are And Three Reasons To Believe What We Say

Reason one: Major corporations seek out Dr. Chris Mohr for his knowledge and expertise. Discovery Health comes to him because they consider him one of the best in the industry. Dr. Mohr consulted with LL Cool J on his latest book, Platinum Workout, which is now a NY Times Bestseller! He has written over 500 articles for magazines, such as Men’s Health, Weight Watchers,
Fitness, and more. Men’s Fitness sought out Chris to be on their Sports Nutrition Advisor. Do you think this was all by coincidence?
more details

Reason two: Jayson has an extensive background in weight management, he also has experience in sports nutrition and supplementation. Jayson has counseled hundreds of individuals ranging from professional athletes all the way down to the obese child. He has published articles on various topics and has consulted with companies, professional teams. Knowing the importance of physiology as it relates to nutrition Jayson’s specialty is working with individuals and getting their nutrition plan as well as their exercise plan set up so that they not only have an effective individualized plan to meet their goals, but they have a mindset that will carry with them for the rest of their lives.

Reason three: Our meal planning solution is the program of choice for some of the top health and fitness professionals in the world. Pros like Dr. John Berardi, creator of Precision Nutrition and author of The Metabolism Advantage, Craig Ballantyne, Men's Fitness columnist and creator of Turbulence Training and literally dozens of other trainers, nutritionists and health educators rave about our meal planning software and depend on it to help their own clients to get better results...more details

Healthy Urban Kitchen Cookbook.

cookbookA Simple, Step-by-step System For Shopping, Cooking & Eating The Worlds Healthiest Foods (all Natural, Organic Produce & Grass Fed Meats). Gluten & Soy Free.

Healthy Urban Kitchen is So Different than Anything Else You Have Ever Seen...

* Healthy Urban Kitchen eliminates the most common food allergens & processed foods that wreak havoc on so many women...the foods that make you bloated...trigger depression and give you skin problems!

* This is a cooking, nutrition & lifestyle program that shows you step by step exactly how to shop, cook and eat to lose fat, get tons of energy so you look and feel great!

* You get 6 months of on-going recipes from many different chefs...from sports chefs, natural food chefs, chefs who are real nutrition experts

* Kitchen also comes with a Healthy Fats & Oils Guide so you can discover the best oils for different types of cooking!

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I wanted this progam to maintain my high standards of health and nutition, but also wanted it to be fun, so I enrolled the help of my girlfriend Jaime Larose. So we started cooking and when we were in the kitchen together, it was more like an episode of Dharma & Greg than healthy cooking lessons! We made some awesome meals and with some simple tips…
Jaime lost 30 lbs and 3 dress sizes without dieting or counting calories!
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